Commit cafd6a0a authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added centered_rect() and centered_rects() to Python API. Also

added the *_corner() routines to rectangle and drectangle and made these
objects constructable from instances of each other.
parent c1820284
......@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ void bind_rectangles(py::module& m)
typedef rectangle type;
py::class_<type>(m, "rectangle", "This object represents a rectangular area of an image.")
.def(py::init<long,long,long,long>(), py::arg("left"),py::arg("top"),py::arg("right"),py::arg("bottom"))
.def(py::init<drectangle>(), py::arg("rect"))
.def(py::init<rectangle>(), py::arg("rect"))
.def("area", &::area)
.def("left", &::left)
......@@ -127,6 +129,10 @@ void bind_rectangles(py::module& m)
.def("bottom", &::bottom)
.def("width", &::width)
.def("height", &::height)
.def("tl_corner", &type::tl_corner, "Returns the top left corner of the rectangle.")
.def("tr_corner", &type::tr_corner, "Returns the top right corner of the rectangle.")
.def("bl_corner", &type::bl_corner, "Returns the bottom left corner of the rectangle.")
.def("br_corner", &type::br_corner, "Returns the bottom right corner of the rectangle.")
.def("is_empty", &::is_empty<type>)
.def("center", &::center<type>)
.def("dcenter", &::dcenter<type>)
......@@ -148,6 +154,9 @@ void bind_rectangles(py::module& m)
typedef drectangle type;
py::class_<type>(m, "drectangle", "This object represents a rectangular area of an image with floating point coordinates.")
.def(py::init<double,double,double,double>(), py::arg("left"), py::arg("top"), py::arg("right"), py::arg("bottom"))
.def(py::init<rectangle>(), py::arg("rect"))
.def(py::init<drectangle>(), py::arg("rect"))
.def("area", &::darea)
.def("left", &::dleft)
.def("top", &::dtop)
......@@ -158,6 +167,10 @@ void bind_rectangles(py::module& m)
.def("is_empty", &::is_empty<type>)
.def("center", &::center<type>)
.def("dcenter", &::dcenter<type>)
.def("tl_corner", &type::tl_corner, "Returns the top left corner of the rectangle.")
.def("tr_corner", &type::tr_corner, "Returns the top right corner of the rectangle.")
.def("bl_corner", &type::bl_corner, "Returns the bottom left corner of the rectangle.")
.def("br_corner", &type::br_corner, "Returns the bottom right corner of the rectangle.")
.def("contains", &::contains<type>, py::arg("point"))
.def("contains", &::contains_xy<type>, py::arg("x"), py::arg("y"))
.def("contains", &::contains_rec<type>, py::arg("rectangle"))
......@@ -274,6 +287,13 @@ ensures \n\
(i.e. grows the given rectangle by expanding its border by num)",
py::arg("rect"), py::arg("num"));
m.def("centered_rect", [](const point& p, unsigned long width, unsigned long height) {
return centered_rect(p, width, height); },
py::arg("p"), py::arg("width"), py::arg("height"));
m.def("centered_rects", [](const std::vector<point>& p, unsigned long width, unsigned long height) {
return centered_rects(p, width, height); },
py::arg("pts"), py::arg("width"), py::arg("height"));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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