Commit cea45407 authored by Davis E. King's avatar Davis E. King

Made find_min_single_variable() a little more efficient.

parent fa43cde6
......@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ namespace dlib
// if f1 is small then take a step to the left
if (f1 < f3)
if (f1 <= f3)
// check if the minimum is butting up against the bounds and if so then pick
// a point between p1 and p2 in the hopes that shrinking the interval will
......@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ namespace dlib
// make sure one side of the bracket isn't super huge compared to the other
// side. If it is then contract it.
const double bracket_ratio = abs(p1-p2)/abs(p2-p3);
if ( !( bracket_ratio < 100 && bracket_ratio > 0.01) )
if ( !( bracket_ratio < 10 && bracket_ratio > 0.1) )
// Force p_min to be on a reasonable side. But only if lagrange_poly_min_extrap()
// didn't put it on a good side already.
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