Commit df5a087b authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Made it more obvious that this file is a cmake tutorial. Also added a few more…

Made it more obvious that this file is a cmake tutorial.  Also added a few more comments about how to use cmake.
parent 63736f5c
# This is a CMake makefile. You can find the cmake utility and
# information about it at
# _______ _ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
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# This is a CMake makefile. CMake is a tool that helps you build C++ programs.
# You can download CMake from This CMakeLists.txt file
# you are reading builds dlib's example programs.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12)
# Every project needs a name. We call this the "examples" project.
# Tell cmake we will need dlib. This command will pull in dlib and compile it
# into your project. Note that you don't need to compile or install dlib. All
# it needs is the dlib source code folder and it will take care of everything.
# Tell CMake to compile a program. We do this with the ADD_EXECUTABLE()
# statement which takes the name of the output executable and then a list of
# .cpp files to compile. Here each example consists of only one .cpp file but
# in general you will make programs that const of many .cpp files.
ADD_EXECUTABLE(assignment_learning_ex assignment_learning_ex.cpp)
# Then we tell it to link with dlib.
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(assignment_learning_ex dlib::dlib)
# The next thing we need to do is tell CMake about the code you want to
# compile. We do this with the add_executable() statement which takes the name
# of the output executable and then a list of .cpp files to compile. Here we
# are going to compile one of the dlib example programs which has only one .cpp
# file, assignment_learning_ex.cpp. If your program consisted of multiple .cpp
# files you would simply list them here in the add_executable() statement.
add_executable(assignment_learning_ex assignment_learning_ex.cpp)
# Finally, you need to tell CMake that this program, assignment_learning_ex,
# depends on dlib. You do that with this statement:
target_link_libraries(assignment_learning_ex dlib::dlib)
# To compile this program all you need to do is ask cmake. You would type
# these commands from within the directory containing this CMakeLists.txt
# file:
# mkdir build
# cmake ..
# cmake --build . --config Release
# The cmake .. command looks in the parent folder for a file named
# CMakeLists.txt, reads it, sets up everything needed to build program. Also,
# note that CMake can also generate Visual Studio or XCode project files. So
# if instead you had written:
# mkdir build
# cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ..
# You would be able to open the resulting visual studio project and compile and
# edit the example programs within the visual studio IDE. CMake can generate a
# lot of different types of IDE projects. Run the cmake -h command to see a list
# of arguments to -G to see what kinds of projects cmake can generate for you.
# It probably includes your favorite IDE in the list.
# A CMakeLists.txt file can compile more than just one program. So below we
# tell it to compile the other dlib example programs using pretty much the
# same CMake commands we used above.
# Since there are a lot of examples I'm going to use a macro to simply this
# CMakeLists.txt file. However, usually you will create only one executable in
# your cmake projects and use the syntax shown above.
MACRO(add_example name)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(${name} ${name}.cpp)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${name} dlib::dlib )
macro(add_example name)
add_executable(${name} ${name}.cpp)
target_link_libraries(${name} dlib::dlib )
# if an example requires GUI, call this macro to check DLIB_NO_GUI_SUPPORT to include or exclude
MACRO(add_gui_example name)
macro(add_gui_example name)
message("No GUI support, so we won't build the ${name} example.")
# The deep learning toolkit requires a compiler with essentially complete C++11
# support. However, versions of Visual Studio prior to October 2016 didn't
......@@ -62,6 +129,23 @@ if (NOT USING_OLD_VISUAL_STUDIO_COMPILER)
message("No GUI support, so we won't build the webcam_face_pose_ex example.")
find_package(OpenCV QUIET)
if (OpenCV_FOUND)
add_executable(webcam_face_pose_ex webcam_face_pose_ex.cpp)
target_link_libraries(webcam_face_pose_ex dlib::dlib ${OpenCV_LIBS} )
message("OpenCV not found, so we won't build the webcam_face_pose_ex example.")
#here we apply our macros
......@@ -146,21 +230,6 @@ add_gui_example(video_tracking_ex)
message("No GUI support, so we won't build the webcam_face_pose_ex example.")
find_package(OpenCV QUIET)
if (OpenCV_FOUND)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(webcam_face_pose_ex webcam_face_pose_ex.cpp)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(webcam_face_pose_ex dlib::dlib ${OpenCV_LIBS} )
message("OpenCV not found, so we won't build the webcam_face_pose_ex example.")
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