Commit e248cc8f authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added spatially_filter_image() and spatially_filter_image_separable() do the

python API.
parent 93b83677
......@@ -1029,6 +1029,56 @@ void py_zero_border_pixels2 (
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T>
py::tuple py_spatially_filter_image (
const numpy_image<T>& img,
const numpy_image<T>& filter
DLIB_CASSERT(filter.size() != 0);
numpy_image<T> out;
auto rect = spatially_filter_image(img, out, mat(filter));
return py::make_tuple(out, rect);
template <typename T>
bool is_vector(
const py::array_t<T>& m
const size_t dims = m.ndim();
const size_t size = m.size();
if (dims == 1)
return true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dims; ++i)
if (m.shape(i) != 1 && m.shape(i) != size)
return false;
return true;
template <typename T>
py::tuple py_spatially_filter_image_separable (
const numpy_image<T>& img,
const py::array_t<T>& row_filter,
const py::array_t<T>& col_filter
DLIB_CASSERT(row_filter.size() != 0);
DLIB_CASSERT(col_filter.size() != 0);
DLIB_CASSERT(is_vector(row_filter), "The row filter must be either a row or column vector.");
DLIB_CASSERT(is_vector(col_filter), "The column filter must be either a row or column vector.");
numpy_image<T> out;
auto rect = spatially_filter_image_separable(img, out, mat(,row_filter.size()), mat(,col_filter.size()));
return py::make_tuple(out, rect);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void bind_image_classes2(py::module& m)
......@@ -1436,6 +1486,85 @@ ensures \n\
m.def("spatially_filter_image", &py_spatially_filter_image<uint8_t>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("filter"));
m.def("spatially_filter_image", &py_spatially_filter_image<float>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("filter"));
m.def("spatially_filter_image", &py_spatially_filter_image<double>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("filter"),
"requires \n\
- filter.size != 0 \n\
ensures \n\
- Applies the given spatial filter to img and returns the result (i.e. we \n\
cross-correlate img with filter). We also return a rectangle which \n\
indicates what pixels in the returned image are considered non-border pixels \n\
and therefore contain output from the filter. E.g. \n\
- filtered_img,rect = spatially_filter_image(img, filter) \n\
would give you the filtered image and the rectangle in question. Since the \n\
returned image has the same shape as img we fill the border pixels by setting \n\
them to 0. \n\
- The filter is applied such that it's centered over the pixel it writes its \n\
output into. For centering purposes, we consider the center element of the \n\
filter to be filter[filter.shape[0]/2,filter.shape[1]/2]. This means that \n\
the filter that writes its output to a pixel at location point(c,r) and is W \n\
by H (width by height) pixels in size operates on exactly the pixels in the \n\
rectangle centered_rect(point(c,r),W,H) within img."
- filter.size != 0
- Applies the given spatial filter to img and returns the result (i.e. we
cross-correlate img with filter). We also return a rectangle which
indicates what pixels in the returned image are considered non-border pixels
and therefore contain output from the filter. E.g.
- filtered_img,rect = spatially_filter_image(img, filter)
would give you the filtered image and the rectangle in question. Since the
returned image has the same shape as img we fill the border pixels by setting
them to 0.
- The filter is applied such that it's centered over the pixel it writes its
output into. For centering purposes, we consider the center element of the
filter to be filter[filter.shape[0]/2,filter.shape[1]/2]. This means that
the filter that writes its output to a pixel at location point(c,r) and is W
by H (width by height) pixels in size operates on exactly the pixels in the
rectangle centered_rect(point(c,r),W,H) within img.
m.def("spatially_filter_image_separable", &py_spatially_filter_image_separable<uint8_t>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("row_filter"), py::arg("col_filter"));
m.def("spatially_filter_image_separable", &py_spatially_filter_image_separable<float>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("row_filter"), py::arg("col_filter"));
m.def("spatially_filter_image_separable", &py_spatially_filter_image_separable<double>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("row_filter"), py::arg("col_filter"),
"requires \n\
- row_filter.size != 0 \n\
- col_filter.size != 0 \n\
- row_filter and col_filter are both either row or column vectors. \n\
ensures \n\
- Applies the given separable spatial filter to img and returns the result \n\
(i.e. we cross-correlate img with the filters). In particular, calling this \n\
function has the same effect as calling the regular spatially_filter_image() \n\
routine with a filter, FILT, defined as follows: \n\
- FILT(r,c) == col_filter(r)*row_filter(c) \n\
Therefore, the return value of this routine is the same as if it were \n\
implemented as: \n\
return spatially_filter_image(img, FILT) \n\
Except that this version should be faster for separable filters."
- row_filter.size != 0
- col_filter.size != 0
- row_filter and col_filter are both either row or column vectors.
- Applies the given separable spatial filter to img and returns the result
(i.e. we cross-correlate img with the filters). In particular, calling this
function has the same effect as calling the regular spatially_filter_image()
routine with a filter, FILT, defined as follows:
- FILT(r,c) == col_filter(r)*row_filter(c)
Therefore, the return value of this routine is the same as if it were
implemented as:
return spatially_filter_image(img, FILT)
Except that this version should be faster for separable filters.
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