Commit e6d7f93d authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added seekg() and made vectorstream more robust.

parent 45d21205
......@@ -29,6 +29,12 @@ namespace dlib
void seekg(size_type pos)
read_pos = pos;
// ------------------------ OUTPUT FUNCTIONS ------------------------
int_type overflow ( int_type c)
......@@ -85,14 +91,14 @@ namespace dlib
std::streamsize n
const size_type num = std::min<size_type>(n, buffer.size()-read_pos);
if (num > 0)
if (read_pos < buffer.size())
const size_type num = std::min<size_type>(n, buffer.size()-read_pos);
std::memcpy(s, &buffer[read_pos], num);
read_pos += num;
return num;
return num;
return 0;
......@@ -106,6 +112,14 @@ namespace dlib
std::istream& seekg (
std::streampos pos
return *this;
vector_streambuf buf;
......@@ -43,6 +43,17 @@ namespace dlib
immediately show up in the buffer.
std::istream& seekg (
std::streampos pos
- The next read from this object will read from the position buffer[pos],
where buffer is the std::vector given to this object's constructor. Note
that if pos >= buffer.size() then the next read will simply return EOF.
- returns *this
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