Commit e7770786 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added unit tests for the new get_option() routine.

parent c801f151
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <dlib/config_reader.h>
#include <dlib/cmd_line_parser.h>
#include "tester.h"
......@@ -391,6 +392,85 @@ namespace
void test_get_option()
const char* argv[100];
int argc;
// program --opt 4 -d dude
argv[0] = "program";
argv[1] = "--opt";
argv[2] = "4";
argv[3] = "-d";
argv[4] = "dude";
argc = 5;
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << "block#comment { { } \n";
sout << "{ \n";
sout << " opt = 5 \n";
sout << " a = 6 \n";
sout << " d = joel \n";
sout << " subblock {} \n";
sout << "} \n";
sout << " \n";
sout << " \n";
sout << "opt = 8 \n";
sout << "d = davis \n";
sout << "a = 50 \n";
sout << " # comment \n";
std::istringstream sin(sout.str());
config_reader cr(sin);
dlib::cmd_line_parser<char>::kernel_1a_c parser;
parser.parse(argc, argv);
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "d", "default") == "davis");
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "opt", "default") == "8");
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "opt", 1) == 8);
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "optasdf", 1) == 1);
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "optasdf", 1.1) == 1.1);
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr.block("block"), "d", "default") == "joel");
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr.block("block"), "opt", "default") == "5");
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr.block("block"), "opt", 1) == 5);
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr.block("block").block("subblock"), "d", "default") == "default");
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr.block("block").block("subblock"), "opt", "default") == "default");
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr.block("block").block("subblock"), "opt", 1) == 1);
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "block.d", "default") == "joel");
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "block.opt", "default") == "5");
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "block.opt", 1) == 5);
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "block.asdf.d", "default") == "default");
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "block.asdf.opt", "default") == "default");
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "block.asdf.opt", 2) == 2);
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "block.subblock.d", "default") == "default");
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "block.subblock.opt", "default") == "default");
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "block.subblock.opt", 2) == 2);
DLIB_TEST(get_option(parser, "opt", 99) == 4);
DLIB_TEST(get_option(parser, "d", "stuff") == "dude");
DLIB_TEST(get_option(parser, "a", "stuff") == "stuff");
DLIB_TEST(get_option(parser, "a", 99) == 99);
DLIB_TEST(get_option(parser, cr, "d", "default") == "dude");
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, parser, "d", "default") == "dude");
DLIB_TEST(get_option(parser, cr, "a", 2) == 50);
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, parser, "a", 2) == 50);
DLIB_TEST(get_option(parser, cr, "opt", 2) == 4);
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, parser, "opt", 2) == 4);
DLIB_TEST(get_option(parser, cr, "b", 2) == 2);
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, parser, "b", 2) == 2);
DLIB_TEST(get_option(parser, cr.block("block"), "a", 2) == 6);
DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr.block("block"), parser, "a", 2) == 6);
class config_reader_tester : public tester
......@@ -417,6 +497,10 @@ namespace
dlog << LINFO << "testing config_reader_thread_safe";
dlog << LINFO << "testing get_option()";
} a;
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