Commit eae0c2fa authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Moved some code around, added documentation for the mmod loss layer and its

attendant objects.  Also fixed a minor bug in the loss layer.
parent f165b203
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "tensor_tools.h"
#include "../geometry.h"
#include "../image_processing/box_overlap_testing.h"
#include "../image_processing/full_object_detection.h"
#include <sstream>
namespace dlib
......@@ -354,48 +355,6 @@ namespace dlib
using loss_multiclass_log = add_loss_layer<loss_multiclass_log_, SUBNET>;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct mmod_rect
mmod_rect() = default;
mmod_rect(const rectangle& r) : rect(r) {}
mmod_rect(const rectangle& r, double score) : rect(r),detection_confidence(score) {}
rectangle rect;
double detection_confidence = 0;
bool ignore = false;
operator rectangle() const { return rect; }
inline mmod_rect ignored_mmod_rect(const rectangle& r)
mmod_rect temp(r);
temp.ignore = true;
return temp;
inline void serialize(const mmod_rect& item, std::ostream& out)
int version = 1;
serialize(version, out);
serialize(item.rect, out);
serialize(item.detection_confidence, out);
serialize(item.ignore, out);
inline void deserialize(mmod_rect& item, std::istream& in)
int version = 0;
deserialize(version, in);
if (version != 1)
throw serialization_error("Unexpected version found while deserializing dlib::mmod_rect");
deserialize(item.rect, in);
deserialize(item.detection_confidence, in);
deserialize(item.ignore, in);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct mmod_options
......@@ -515,6 +474,9 @@ namespace dlib
loss_binary_mmod_(mmod_options options_) : options(options_) {}
const mmod_options& get_options (
) const { return options; }
template <
typename SUB_TYPE,
typename label_iterator
......@@ -795,7 +757,7 @@ namespace dlib
// it means the box can't be matched by the sliding window. But picking the
// max causes the right error message to be selected in the logic below.
const double scale = std::max(options.detector_width/(double)rect.width(), options.detector_height/(double)rect.height());
const rectangle mapped_rect = input_layer(net).layer_details().image_space_to_tensor_space(input_tensor, scale, rect);
const rectangle mapped_rect = input_layer(net).layer_details().image_space_to_tensor_space(input_tensor, std::min(1.0,scale), rect);
// compute the detection window that we would use at this position.
point tensor_p = center(mapped_rect);
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "core_abstract.h"
#include "../image_processing/full_object_detection_abstract.h"
namespace dlib
......@@ -351,6 +352,173 @@ namespace dlib
template <typename SUBNET>
using loss_multiclass_log = add_loss_layer<loss_multiclass_log_, SUBNET>;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct mmod_options
This object contains all the parameters that control the behavior of loss_binary_mmod_.
mmod_options() = default;
// This kind of object detector is a sliding window detector. These two parameters
// determine the size of the sliding window. Since you will usually use the MMOD
// loss with an image pyramid the detector size determines the size of the smallest
// object you can detect.
unsigned long detector_width = 80;
unsigned long detector_height = 80;
// These parameters control how we penalize different kinds of mistakes. See
// Max-Margin Object Detection by Davis E. King (
// for further details.
double loss_per_false_alarm = 1;
double loss_per_missed_target = 1;
// A detection must have an intersection-over-union value greater than this for us
// to consider it a match against a ground truth box.
double truth_match_iou_threshold = 0.5;
// When doing non-max suppression, we use overlaps_nms to decide if a box overlaps
// an already output detection and should therefore be thrown out.
test_box_overlap overlaps_nms = test_box_overlap(0.4);
// Any mmod_rect in the training data that has its ignore field set to true defines
// an "ignore zone" in an image. Any detection from that area is totally ignored
// by the optimizer. Therefore, this overlaps_ignore field defines how we decide
// if a box falls into an ignore zone. You use these ignore zones if there are
// objects in your dataset that you are unsure if you want to detect or otherwise
// don't care if the detector gets them or not.
test_box_overlap overlaps_ignore;
mmod_options (
const std::vector<std::vector<mmod_rect>>& boxes,
const unsigned long target_size = 6400
- This function tries to automatically set the MMOD options so reasonable
values assuming you have a training dataset of boxes.size() images, where
the ith image contains objects boxes[i] you want to detect and the
objects are clearly visible when scale so that they are target_size
pixels in area.
- In particular, this function will automatically set the detector width
and height based on the average box size in boxes and the requested
- This function will also set the overlaps_nms tester to the most
restrictive tester that doesn't reject anything in boxes.
void serialize(const mmod_options& item, std::ostream& out);
void deserialize(mmod_options& item, std::istream& in);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class loss_binary_mmod_
This object implements the loss layer interface defined above by
EXAMPLE_LOSS_LAYER_. In particular, it implements the Max Margin Object
Detection loss defined in the paper:
Max-Margin Object Detection by Davis E. King (
This means you use this loss if you want to detect the locations of objects
in images.
It should also be noted that this loss layer requires an input layer that
defines the following functions:
- image_contained_point()
- tensor_space_to_image_space()
- image_space_to_tensor_space()
A reference implementation of them and their definitions can be found in
the input_rgb_image_pyramid object, which is the recommended input layer to
be used with loss_binary_mmod_.
typedef std::vector<mmod_rect> label_type;
- #get_options() == mmod_options()
mmod_options options_
- #get_options() == options_
const mmod_options& get_options (
) const;
- returns the options object that defines the general behavior of this loss layer.
template <
typename SUB_TYPE,
typename label_iterator
void to_label (
const tensor& input_tensor,
const SUB_TYPE& sub,
label_iterator iter,
double adjust_threshold = 0
) const;
This function has the same interface as EXAMPLE_LOSS_LAYER_::to_label() except
it has the additional calling requirements that:
- sub.get_output().k() == 1
- sub.get_output().num_samples() == input_tensor.num_samples()
- sub.sample_expansion_factor() == 1
Also, the output labels are std::vectors of mmod_rects where, for each mmod_rect R,
we have the following interpretations:
- R.rect == the location of an object in the image.
- R.detection_confidence the score for the object, the bigger the score the
more confident the detector is that an object is really there. Only
objects with a detection_confidence > adjust_threshold are output. So if
you want to output more objects (that are also of less confidence) you
can call to_label() with a smaller value of adjust_threshold.
- R.ignore == false (this value is unused by to_label()).
template <
typename const_label_iterator,
typename SUBNET
double compute_loss_value_and_gradient (
const tensor& input_tensor,
const_label_iterator truth,
) const;
This function has the same interface as EXAMPLE_LOSS_LAYER_::compute_loss_value_and_gradient()
except it has the additional calling requirements that:
- sub.get_output().k() == 1
- sub.get_output().num_samples() == input_tensor.num_samples()
- sub.sample_expansion_factor() == 1
Also, the loss value returned is roughly equal to the average number of
mistakes made per image. This is the sum of false alarms and missed
detections, weighted by the loss weights for these types of mistakes specified
in the mmod_options.
template <typename SUBNET>
using loss_binary_mmod = add_loss_layer<loss_binary_mmod_, SUBNET>;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -111,6 +111,48 @@ namespace dlib
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct mmod_rect
mmod_rect() = default;
mmod_rect(const rectangle& r) : rect(r) {}
mmod_rect(const rectangle& r, double score) : rect(r),detection_confidence(score) {}
rectangle rect;
double detection_confidence = 0;
bool ignore = false;
operator rectangle() const { return rect; }
inline mmod_rect ignored_mmod_rect(const rectangle& r)
mmod_rect temp(r);
temp.ignore = true;
return temp;
inline void serialize(const mmod_rect& item, std::ostream& out)
int version = 1;
serialize(version, out);
serialize(item.rect, out);
serialize(item.detection_confidence, out);
serialize(item.ignore, out);
inline void deserialize(mmod_rect& item, std::istream& in)
int version = 0;
deserialize(version, in);
if (version != 1)
throw serialization_error("Unexpected version found while deserializing dlib::mmod_rect");
deserialize(item.rect, in);
deserialize(item.detection_confidence, in);
deserialize(item.ignore, in);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -137,6 +137,45 @@ namespace dlib
obj.get_rect().contains(obj.part(i)) == true || obj.part(i) == OBJECT_PART_NOT_PRESENT
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct mmod_rect
This is a simple struct that is used to give training data and receive detections
from the Max-Margin Object Detection loss layer loss_binary_mmod_ object.
mmod_rect() = default;
mmod_rect(const rectangle& r) : rect(r) {}
mmod_rect(const rectangle& r, double score) : rect(r),detection_confidence(score) {}
rectangle rect;
double detection_confidence = 0;
bool ignore = false;
operator rectangle() const { return rect; }
mmod_rect ignored_mmod_rect(
const rectangle& r
- returns a mmod_rect R such that:
- R.rect == r
- R.ignore == true
- R.detection_confidence == 0
void serialize(const mmod_rect& item, std::ostream& out);
void deserialize(mmod_rect& item, std::istream& in);
provides serialization support
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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