Commit ec2f30b6 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added missing asserts and requires clauses

parent 2ab7afe9
......@@ -423,26 +423,51 @@ namespace dlib
typename potts_model
typename potts_model::value_type potts_model_score (
const potts_model& g
const potts_model& prob
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < prob.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
for (unsigned long jj = 0; jj < prob.number_of_neighbors(i); ++jj)
unsigned long j = prob.get_neighbor(i,jj);
DLIB_ASSERT(prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) >= 0,
"\t value_type potts_model_score(prob)"
<< "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
<< "\n\t i: " << i
<< "\n\t j: " << j
<< "\n\t prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j): " << prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j)
DLIB_ASSERT(prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) == prob.factor_value_disagreement(j,i),
"\t value_type potts_model_score(prob)"
<< "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
<< "\n\t i: " << i
<< "\n\t j: " << j
<< "\n\t prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j): " << prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j)
<< "\n\t prob.factor_value_disagreement(j,i): " << prob.factor_value_disagreement(j,i)
typename potts_model::value_type score = 0;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < prob.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
const bool label = (g.get_label(i)!=0);
const bool label = (prob.get_label(i)!=0);
if (label)
score += g.factor_value(i);
score += prob.factor_value(i);
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < prob.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
for (unsigned long n = 0; n < g.number_of_neighbors(i); ++n)
for (unsigned long n = 0; n < prob.number_of_neighbors(i); ++n)
const unsigned long idx2 = g.get_neighbor(i,n);
const bool label_i = (g.get_label(i)!=0);
const bool label_idx2 = (g.get_label(idx2)!=0);
const unsigned long idx2 = prob.get_neighbor(i,n);
const bool label_i = (prob.get_label(i)!=0);
const bool label_idx2 = (prob.get_label(idx2)!=0);
if (label_i != label_idx2 && i < idx2)
score -= g.factor_value_disagreement(i, idx2);
score -= prob.factor_value_disagreement(i, idx2);
......@@ -469,6 +494,23 @@ namespace dlib
// The edges and node's have to use the same type to represent factor weights!
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT((is_same_type<edge_type, type>::value == true));
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
for (unsigned long jj = 0; jj < g.node(i).number_of_neighbors(); ++jj)
unsigned long j = g.node(i).neighbor(jj).index();
DLIB_ASSERT(edge(g,i,j) >= 0,
"\t edge_type potts_model_score(g,labels)"
<< "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
<< "\n\t i: " << i
<< "\n\t j: " << j
<< "\n\t edge(g,i,j): " << edge(g,i,j)
typename graph_type::edge_type score = 0;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
......@@ -498,12 +540,36 @@ namespace dlib
typename potts_model
void find_max_factor_graph_potts (
potts_model& m
potts_model& prob
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < prob.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
for (unsigned long jj = 0; jj < prob.number_of_neighbors(i); ++jj)
unsigned long j = prob.get_neighbor(i,jj);
DLIB_ASSERT(prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) >= 0,
"\t void find_max_factor_graph_potts(prob)"
<< "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
<< "\n\t i: " << i
<< "\n\t j: " << j
<< "\n\t prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j): " << prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j)
DLIB_ASSERT(prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) == prob.factor_value_disagreement(j,i),
"\t void find_max_factor_graph_potts(prob)"
<< "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
<< "\n\t i: " << i
<< "\n\t j: " << j
<< "\n\t prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j): " << prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j)
<< "\n\t prob.factor_value_disagreement(j,i): " << prob.factor_value_disagreement(j,i)
min_cut mc;
dlib::impl::potts_flow_graph<potts_model> pfg(m);
mc(pfg, m.number_of_nodes(), m.number_of_nodes()+1);
dlib::impl::potts_flow_graph<potts_model> pfg(prob);
mc(pfg, prob.number_of_nodes(), prob.number_of_nodes()+1);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -526,6 +592,23 @@ namespace dlib
// The edges and node's have to use the same type to represent factor weights!
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT((is_same_type<edge_type, type>::value == true));
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
for (unsigned long jj = 0; jj < g.node(i).number_of_neighbors(); ++jj)
unsigned long j = g.node(i).neighbor(jj).index();
DLIB_ASSERT(edge(g,i,j) >= 0,
"\t void find_max_factor_graph_potts(g,labels)"
<< "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
<< "\n\t i: " << i
<< "\n\t j: " << j
<< "\n\t edge(g,i,j): " << edge(g,i,j)
dlib::impl::general_potts_problem<graph_type> gg(g, labels);
......@@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ namespace dlib
- potts_problem == an object with an interface compatible with the potts_problem
object defined at the top of this file.
- for all valid i and j:
- prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) >= 0
- prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) == prob.factor_value_disagreement(j,i)
- computes the model score for the given potts_problem. We define this
......@@ -206,6 +207,8 @@ namespace dlib
- graph_type::edge_type is some signed type such as int or double
- graph_type::type must be the same type as graph_type::edge_type
- graph_contains_length_one_cycle(g) == false
- for all valid i and j:
- edge(g,i,j) >= 0
- This function does the same thing as the version of potts_model_score()
defined above, except that this version operates on a dlib::graph
......@@ -264,6 +267,8 @@ namespace dlib
- graph_type::edge_type is some signed type such as int or double
- graph_type::type must be the same type as graph_type::edge_type
- graph_contains_length_one_cycle(g) == false
- for all valid i and j:
- edge(g,i,j) >= 0
- This routine simply converts g into a potts_problem and calls the
version of find_max_factor_graph_potts() defined above on it. Therefore,
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