Commit ecf06850 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

updated release notes

parent fe93c5fa
......@@ -12,12 +12,66 @@
New Features:
Non-Backwards Compatible Changes:
Bug fixes:
- Object Detection Tools:
- Added another image scanning tool similar to scan_image_pyramid. This
is the new scan_image_boxes object. It allows a user to easily specify
an arbitrary set of object boxes which should be checked by an object
detector rather than scanning a fixed sized window over the image as is
done by the scan_image_pyramid tool. This allows more flexible scanning
strategies. For example, it is now possible to use the selective search
method implemented by the new find_candidate_object_locations() routine.
- Added the binned_vector_feature_image.
- Upgraded the object_detector so that you can use the adjust_threshold
argument for all versions of the operator() method.
- Added remove_unobtainable_rectangles()
- Hashing Tools:
- Added a set of new locality sensitive hashing functions meant for use
with larger vectors and higher bit sizes than the current LSH tools.
These are the new hash_similar_angles_xxx objects.
- Added find_k_nearest_neighbors_lsh() and hash_samples()
- Added create_max_margin_projection_hash()
- New Matrix Routines: linpiece(), fft(), and ifft()
- Added numeric constants and additional statistics to the running_stats
object. This code was contributed by Steve Taylor.
- Added the image_window::get_next_keypress() routine. This tool allows a
user to easily find out which keyboard key the user is pressing.
Non-Backwards Compatible Changes:
- Changed the object_detector interface slightly. In particular, it no
longer adds the adjust_threshold argument to the output scores.
- The object detector testing functions now output mean average precision in
addition to precision and recall.
- Changed how dlib does serialization in a number of ways:
- The running_stats and scan_image_pyramid objects have had their
serialization format changed in a way that breaks backwards
compatibility. This means serialized versions of these objects can't be
loaded by the new version of dlib.
- Changed the format dlib uses when it serializes floating point values.
Previously, we used an ASCII based format. Dlib now uses a much more
efficient binary format. However, the deserialization routines have
been made backwards compatible with the previous format. So dlib can
still deserialize older data but older software won't be able to read
the new format.
- Changed the serialization formats for the matrix and array2d objects so
that either object can be deserialized into the other. This was done in a
way that is backwards compatible with previous versions of dlib. That is,
we can still load data serialized by previous dlib versions. However,
older versions of dlib can't load the new serialization format.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug in save_dng() that happened sometimes when saving images with
unsigned char pixels.
- The test_ranking_function() and cross_validate_ranking_trainer() routines
computed incorrect MAP scores when the learned function output a constant
value for all samples. This has been fixed.
- Gave load_image_dataset() the ability to skip images that don't have any
ground truth boxes.
- Changed average_precision() to use interpolated precision. So now it uses
the same metric as the one used by the Pascal VOC challenge.
- Upgraded the dng image format so it can natively store floating point
pixel types without any information loss.
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