Commit ef463112 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added clamp_function() and backtracking_line_search()

parent fa543c05
......@@ -144,6 +144,41 @@ namespace dlib
template <typename funct>
const negate_function_object<funct> negate_function(const funct& f) { return negate_function_object<funct>(f); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename funct, typename EXP1, typename EXP2>
struct clamped_function_object
const funct& f_,
const matrix_exp<EXP1>& x_lower_,
const matrix_exp<EXP2>& x_upper_
) : f(f_), x_lower(x_lower_), x_upper(x_upper_)
template <typename T>
double operator() (
const T& x
) const
return f(clamp(x,x_lower,x_upper));
const funct& f;
const matrix_exp<EXP1>& x_lower;
const matrix_exp<EXP2>& x_upper;
template <typename funct, typename EXP1, typename EXP2>
clamped_function_object<funct,EXP1,EXP2> clamp_function(
const funct& f,
const matrix_exp<EXP1>& x_lower,
const matrix_exp<EXP2>& x_upper
) { return clamped_function_object<funct,EXP1,EXP2>(f,x_lower,x_upper); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions that perform unconstrained optimization
......@@ -70,15 +70,6 @@ namespace dlib
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename funct
class negate_function_object;
This is a function object that represents the negative of some other
template <
typename funct
......@@ -93,6 +84,32 @@ namespace dlib
the returned function object represents g(x) == -f(x)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename funct,
typename EXP1,
typename EXP2
clamped_function_object<funct,EXP1,EXP2> clamp_function (
const funct& f,
const matrix_exp<EXP1>& x_lower,
const matrix_exp<EXP2>& x_upper
- f == a function that takes a matrix and returns a scalar value. Moreover, f
must be capable of taking in matrices with the same dimensions as x_lower and
x_upper. So f(x_lower) must be a valid expression that evaluates to a scalar
- == && ==
(i.e. x_lower and x_upper must have the same dimensions)
- x_lower and x_upper must contain the same type of elements.
- returns a function object that represents the function g(x) where
g(x) == f(clamp(x,x_lower,x_upper))
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions that perform unconstrained optimization
......@@ -461,6 +461,56 @@ namespace dlib
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename funct
double backtracking_line_search (
const funct& f,
double f0,
double d0,
double alpha,
double rho,
unsigned long max_iter
0 < rho && rho < 1 && max_iter > 0,
"\tdouble backtracking_line_search()"
<< "\n\tYou have given invalid arguments to this function"
<< "\n\t rho: " << rho
<< "\n\t max_iter: " << max_iter
// If the gradient is telling us we need to search backwards then that is what we
// will do.
if (d0 > 0 && alpha > 0)
alpha *= -1;
for (unsigned long iter = 0; iter < max_iter; ++iter)
const double val = f(alpha);
if (val <= f0 + alpha*rho*d0)
return alpha;
// Interpolate a new alpha. We also make sure the step by which we
// reduce alpha is not super small.
double step;
if (d0 < 0)
step = put_in_range(0.1,0.9, poly_min_extrap(f0, d0, val));
step = put_in_range(0.1,0.9, poly_min_extrap(f0, -d0, val));
alpha *= step;
return alpha;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class optimize_single_variable_failure : public error {
......@@ -191,6 +191,38 @@ namespace dlib
and also in the more recent book Numerical Optimization by Nocedal and Wright.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename funct
double backtracking_line_search (
const funct& f,
double f0,
double d0,
double alpha,
double rho,
unsigned long max_iter
- 0 < rho < 1
- f is a scalar function of scalars
(e.g. a line_search_funct object)
- f0 == f(0)
- d0 == the derivative of f() at f(0).
- max_iter > 0
- Performs a backtracking line search and uses the Armijo sufficient decrease
rule to decide when the search can stop.
- rho == the parameter of the sufficient decrease condition.
- max_iter == the maximum number of iterations allowable. After this many
evaluations of f() line_search() is guaranteed to terminate.
- The line search starts with the input alpha value and then backtracks until
it finds a good enough alpha value. Once found, it returns the alpha value
such that f(alpha) is significantly closer to the minimum of f than f(0).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class optimize_single_variable_failure : public error;
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