Commit f24b0816 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Made .size of hough_transform a property rather than a function.

parent 212c19c0
......@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ ensures \n\
py::class_<hough_transform>(m, "hough_transform", class_docs)
.def(py::init<unsigned long>(), doc_constr, py::arg("size_"))
.def("size", &hough_transform::size,
.def_property_readonly("size", &hough_transform::size,
"returns the size of the Hough transforms generated by this object. In particular, this object creates Hough transform images that are size() by size() pixels in size.")
.def("get_line", &ht_get_line, py::arg("p"),
"requires \n\
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