Commit f2845f15 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added find_peaks()

parent 5a2e0d6a
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include "../rand.h"
#include "../array2d.h"
#include "../image_transforms/spatial_filtering.h"
#include "../image_transforms/thresholding.h"
namespace dlib
......@@ -235,6 +236,143 @@ namespace dlib
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename image_type
std::vector<point> find_peaks (
const image_type& img_,
const double non_max_suppression_radius,
const typename pixel_traits<typename image_traits<image_type>::pixel_type>::basic_pixel_type& thresh
DLIB_CASSERT(non_max_suppression_radius >= 0);
const_image_view<image_type> img(img_);
using basic_pixel_type = typename pixel_traits<typename image_traits<image_type>::pixel_type>::basic_pixel_type;
std::vector<std::pair<basic_pixel_type,point>> peaks;
for (long r = 1; r+1 <; ++r)
for (long c = 1; c+1 <; ++c)
auto val = img[r][c];
if (val < thresh)
if (
val <= img[r-1][c] ||
val <= img[r+1][c] ||
val <= img[r][c+1] ||
val <= img[r][c-1] ||
val <= img[r-1][c-1] ||
val <= img[r+1][c+1] ||
val <= img[r-1][c+1] ||
val <= img[r+1][c-1]
// now do non-max suppression of the peaks according to the supplied radius.
using pt = std::pair<basic_pixel_type,point>;
// First sort the peaks so the strongest peaks come first. We will greedily accept
// them and then do the normal peak sorting/non-max suppression thing.
std::sort(peaks.rbegin(), peaks.rend(), [](pt& a, pt&b ){ return a.first < b.first; });
std::vector<point> final_peaks;
const double radius_sqr = non_max_suppression_radius*non_max_suppression_radius;
// If there are a lot of peaks then we will make a mask image and use that to do
// the non-max suppression since this is fast when peaks.size() is large. Otherwise we
// will do the simpler thing in the else block that doesn't require us to allocate a
// temporary mask image.
if (peaks.size() > 500 && radius_sqr != 0)
// hit will record which areas of the image have already been accounted for by some
// peak. So it is our mask image.
matrix<unsigned char> hit(,;
// initially nothing has been hit.
hit = 0;
const unsigned long win_size = std::round(2*non_max_suppression_radius);
const rectangle area = get_rect(img);
for (auto& pp : peaks)
auto& p = pp.second;
if (!hit(p.y(),p.x()))
// mask out a circle around this new peak
rectangle win = centered_rect(p, win_size, win_size).intersect(area);
for (long r =; r <= win.bottom(); ++r)
for (long c = win.left(); c <= win.right(); ++c)
if (length_squared(point(c,r)-p) <= radius_sqr)
hit(r,c) = 1;
// if peaks.size() is relatively small then this is a faster way to do the non-max
// suppression.
for (auto& p : peaks)
bool hits_any_existing_peak = false;
// If the user set the radius to 0 then just copy the peaks to the output without
// checking anything.
if (radius_sqr != 0)
for (auto& v : final_peaks)
if (length_squared(p.second-v) <= radius_sqr)
hits_any_existing_peak = true;
if (!hits_any_existing_peak)
return final_peaks;
template <
typename image_type
std::vector<point> find_peaks (
const image_type& img
return find_peaks(img, 0, partition_pixels(img));
template <
typename image_type
std::vector<point> find_peaks (
const image_type& img,
const double non_max_suppression_radius
return find_peaks(img, non_max_suppression_radius, partition_pixels(img));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
......@@ -132,6 +132,62 @@ namespace dlib
- #dets == all the points which passed the threshold test.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename image_type
std::vector<point> find_peaks (
const image_type& img,
const double non_max_suppression_radius,
const typename pixel_traits<typename image_traits<image_type>::pixel_type>::basic_pixel_type& thresh
- image_type == an image object that implements the interface defined in
dlib/image_processing/generic_image.h. Moreover, these it must contain a
scalar pixel type (e.g. int rather than rgb_pixel)
- non_max_suppression_radius >= 0
- Scans the given image and finds all pixels with values >= thresh that are
also local maximums within their 8-connected neighborhood of the image. Such
pixels are collected, sorted in decreasing order of their pixel values, and
then non-maximum suppression is applied to this list of points using the
given non_max_suppression_radius. The final list of peaks is then returned.
Therefore, the returned list, V, will have these properties:
- V.size() == the number of peaks found in the image.
- When measured in image coordinates, no elements of V are within
non_max_suppression_radius distance of each other. That is, for all valid i!=j
it is true that length(V[i]-V[j]) > non_max_suppression_radius.
- For each element of V, that element has the maximum pixel value of all
pixels in the ball centered on that pixel with radius
template <
typename image_type
std::vector<point> find_peaks (
const image_type& img
- performs: return find_peaks(img, 0, partition_pixels(img))
template <
typename image_type
std::vector<point> find_peaks (
const image_type& img,
const double non_max_suppression_radius
- performs: return find_peaks(img, non_max_suppression_radius, partition_pixels(img))
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
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