Commit f711daaa authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added unit tests for extract_image_chips()

parent e2c79e8e
......@@ -1659,13 +1659,13 @@ namespace
if (get_rect(out).contains(rect))
T val = sum(pointwise_multiply(col_filt*row_filt, subm(mat(img),rect)));
DLIB_CASSERT(val == out[r][c],"err: " << val-out[r][c]);
DLIB_TEST_MSG(val == out[r][c],"err: " << val-out[r][c]);
......@@ -1729,6 +1729,89 @@ namespace
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void test_extract_image_chips()
dlib::rand rnd;
// Make sure that cropping a white box out of a larger white image always produces an
// exact white box. This should catch any bad border effects from a messed up internal
// cropping.
for (int iter = 0; iter < 1000; ++iter)
const long nr = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100 + 1;
const long nc = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100 + 1;
const long size = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10000 + 4;
const double angle = rnd.get_random_double() * pi;
matrix<int> img(501,501), chip;
img = 255;
chip_details details(centered_rect(center(get_rect(img)),nr,nc), size, angle);
extract_image_chip(img, details, chip);
DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(chip-255))==0,"nr: " << nr << " nc: "<< nc << " size: " << size << " angle: " << angle
<< " error: " << max(abs(chip-255)) );
// Make sure that the interpolation in extract_image_chip() keeps stuff in the
// right places.
matrix<unsigned char> img(10,10), chip;
img = 0;
img(1,1) = 255;
img(8,8) = 255;
extract_image_chip(img, chip_details(get_rect(img), 9*9), chip);
DLIB_TEST(chip(1,1) == 195);
DLIB_TEST(chip(7,7) == 195);
chip(1,1) -= 195;
chip(7,7) -= 195;
DLIB_TEST(sum(matrix_cast<int>(chip)) == 0);
// Test the rotation ability of extract_image_chip(). Do this by drawing a line and
// then rotating it so it's horizontal. Check that it worked correctly by hough
// transforming it.
hough_transform ht(151);
matrix<unsigned char> img(300,300);
for (int iter = 0; iter < 1000; ++iter)
img = 0;
const int len = 9000;
point cent = center(get_rect(img));
point l = cent + point(len,0);
point r = cent - point(len,0);
const double angle = rnd.get_random_double()*pi*3;
l = rotate_point(cent, l, angle);
r = rotate_point(cent, r, angle);
draw_line(img, l, r, 255);
const long wsize = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%350 + 150;
matrix<unsigned char> temp;
chip_details details(centered_rect(center(get_rect(img)), wsize,wsize), chip_dims(ht.size(),ht.size()), angle);
extract_image_chip(img, details, temp);
matrix<long> tform;
ht(temp, get_rect(temp), tform);
std::pair<point,point> line = ht.get_line(max_point(tform));
DLIB_TEST_MSG(line.first.y() == line.second.y()," wsize: " << wsize);
DLIB_TEST(length(line.first-line.second) > 100);
DLIB_TEST(length((line.first+line.second)/2.0 - center(get_rect(temp))) <= 1);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class image_tester : public tester
......@@ -1745,6 +1828,7 @@ namespace
test_integral_image<long, unsigned char>();
test_integral_image<double, int>();
test_integral_image<long, unsigned char>();
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