Commit f81359f1 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added --min-object-size option to imglab.

parent 8061c31a
......@@ -572,6 +572,7 @@ int resample_dataset(const command_line_parser& parser)
const size_t base_obj_size = get_option(parser,"resample",100*100);
const double margin_scale = 2.5; // cropped image will be this times wider than the object.
const long min_object_size = get_option(parser,"min-object-size",1);
dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data, resampled_data;
resampled_data.comment = data.comment;
......@@ -601,7 +602,7 @@ int resample_dataset(const command_line_parser& parser)
for (unsigned long j = 0; j < data.images[i].boxes.size(); ++j)
const rectangle rect = data.images[i].boxes[j].rect;
if (data.images[i].boxes[j].ignore || !get_rect(img).contains(rect))
if (data.images[i].boxes[j].ignore || !get_rect(img).contains(rect) || rect.area() < min_object_size)
const auto max_dim = std::max(rect.width(), rect.height());
......@@ -633,6 +634,9 @@ int resample_dataset(const command_line_parser& parser)
box.ignore = true;
if (box.rect.area() < min_object_size)
box.ignore = true;
box.rect = tform(box.rect);
for (auto&& p :
p.second = tform.get_tform()(p.second);
......@@ -770,6 +774,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
"the results as cluster_###.xml and cluster_###.jpg files.",1);
parser.add_option("resample", "Crop out images that are centered on each object in the dataset. Make the "
"crops so that the objects have <arg> pixels in them. The output is a new XML dataset.",1);
parser.add_option("min-object-size", "When doing --resample, skip objects that have fewer than <arg> pixels in them (default 1).",1);
parser.add_option("extract-chips", "Crops out images with tight bounding boxes around each object. Also crops out "
"many background chips. All these image chips are serialized into one big data file. The chips will contain <arg> pixels each.",1);
parser.add_option("ignore", "Mark boxes labeled as <arg> as ignored. The resulting XML file is output as a separate file and the original is not modified.",1);
......@@ -777,11 +782,12 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
parser.parse(argc, argv);
const char* singles[] = {"h","c","r","l","files","convert","parts","rmdiff", "rmtrunc", "rmdupes", "seed", "shuffle", "split", "add",
"flip", "rotate", "tile", "size", "cluster", "resample", "extract-chips"};
"flip", "rotate", "tile", "size", "cluster", "resample", "extract-chips", "min-object-size"};
const char* c_sub_ops[] = {"r", "convert"};
parser.check_sub_options("c", c_sub_ops);
parser.check_sub_option("shuffle", "seed");
parser.check_sub_option("resample", "min-object-size");
const char* size_parent_ops[] = {"tile", "cluster"};
parser.check_sub_options(size_parent_ops, "size");
parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "l");
......@@ -850,6 +856,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
parser.check_option_arg_range("size", 10*10, 1000*1000);
parser.check_option_arg_range("resample", 4, 1000*1000);
parser.check_option_arg_range("extract-chips", 4, 1000*1000);
parser.check_option_arg_range("min-object-size", 1, 10000*10000);
if (parser.option("h"))
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