Commit b976bd1e authored by hupantingxue's avatar hupantingxue

Add push/devices API sample in README.rst;

parent 181ef704
......@@ -54,6 +54,33 @@ Examples
Details refer to `examples <>`_
Simple iOS Push
>>> import jpush as jpush
>>> from conf import app_key, master_secret
>>> _jpush = jpush.JPush(app_key, master_secret)
>>> push = _jpush.create_push()
>>> push.audience = jpush.all_
>>> ios_msg = jpush.ios(alert="Hello, IOS JPush!", badge="+1", sound="a.caf", extras={'k1':'v1'})
>>> push.notification = jpush.notification(alert="Hello, JPush!", android=android_msg, ios=ios_msg)
>>> push.platform = jpush.platform("ios")
>>> push.send()
Get taglist
>>> import jpush as jpush
>>> from conf import app_key, master_secret
>>> _jpush = jpush.JPush(app_key, master_secret)
>>> device = _jpush.create_device()
>>> device.get_taglist()
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