Commit 7af0a79f authored by lixiaofang's avatar lixiaofang


parent dd4524d3
......@@ -17,5 +17,6 @@
<element value="search.views.contrast_similar"/>
<element value="injection.data_sync.tasks"/>
<element value="search.views.contrast_similar"/>
<!--<element value="majia..tasks.tasks"/>-->
# default_app_config = 'majia.apps.MaJiaApp'
\ No newline at end of file
default_app_config = 'majia.apps.MaJiaApp'
from django.contrib import admin
# Register your models here.
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import pymysql
import random
import threading
import traceback
import logging
from celery import shared_task
from django.conf import settings
from majia.get_session import get_comments, click, login, reply
from majia.get_session import host, user, passwd, db
exec_count = 0
def auto_click(pk_list):
exec_count = 0
pc = pymysql.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=passwd, db=db, port=3306)
cursor = pc.cursor()
"SELECT id,user_id FROM topic WHERE id in " + str(
tuple(pk_list)) + " and user_id in (select user_id from user_extra where is_shadow = 0)")
data = cursor.fetchall()
topic_id_list = list(data)"Database version : %s " % topic_id_list)
exec_count = 0
if topic_id_list:
def fun_timer():
cookies = login()
if cookies:
click(cookies, topic_id_list[0])
global timer
global exec_count
exec_count += 1
if exec_count == 1:
# sleep_time = random.randint(300, 540)
sleep_time = 30
timer = threading.Timer(sleep_time, fun_timer)
if exec_count == 2:
# sleep_time = random.randint(1000, 1900)
sleep_time = 50
timer = threading.Timer(sleep_time, fun_timer)
sleep_time = random.randint(300, 540)
timer = threading.Timer(10, fun_timer) # 首次启动
logging.error("catch exception,main:%s" % traceback.format_exc())
def auto_reply(pk_list):
exec_count = 0
pc = pymysql.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=passwd, db=db, port=3306)
cursor = pc.cursor()
"SELECT id,user_id FROM topic WHERE id in " + str(
tuple(pk_list)) + " and user_id in (select user_id from user_extra where is_shadow = 0)")
data = cursor.fetchall()
topic_id_list = list(data)"Database version : %s " % topic_id_list)
exec_count = 0
if topic_id_list:
def fun_comment():
cookies = login()
if cookies:
comment_content = get_comments()
comment = comment_content[0]
reply(cookies, topic_id_list[0], comment)
global timer
global exec_count
exec_count += 1
if exec_count == 1:
sleep_time = random.randint(300, 540)
sleep_time = 30
timer = threading.Timer(sleep_time, fun_comment)
if exec_count == 2:
sleep_time = random.randint(1000, 1900)
sleep_time = 30
timer = threading.Timer(sleep_time, fun_comment)
sleep_time = random.randint(300, 540)
timer = threading.Timer(10, fun_comment) # 首次启动
logging.error("catch exception,main:%s" % traceback.format_exc())
def auto_majia_effect(pk_list):
......@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ import logging
host = DATABASES['default']['HOST']
user = DATABASES['default']['USER']
port = DATABASES['default']['PORT']
db = DATABASES['default']['NAME']
passwd = DATABASES['default']['PASSWORD']
# host = DATABASES['default']['HOST']
# user = DATABASES['default']['USER']
# port = DATABASES['default']['PORT']
# db = DATABASES['default']['NAME']
# passwd = DATABASES['default']['PASSWORD']
auto_click_url = ""
auto_reply_url = ""
from django.db import models
# Create your models here.
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import pymysql
import random
import threading
import traceback
import logging
from celery import shared_task
from django.conf import settings
from majia.get_session import get_comments, click, login, reply
# from majia.get_session import host, user, passwd, db
exec_count = 0
def auto_click(pk_list):
# exec_count = 0
# try:
# pc = pymysql.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=passwd, db=db, port=3306)
# cursor = pc.cursor()
# cursor.execute(
# "SELECT id,user_id FROM topic WHERE id in " + str(
# tuple(pk_list)) + " and user_id in (select user_id from user_extra where is_shadow = 0)")
# data = cursor.fetchall()
# topic_id_list = list(data)
#"Database version : %s " % topic_id_list)
# pc.close()
# exec_count = 0
# if topic_id_list:
# def fun_timer():
# cookies = login()
# if cookies:
# click(cookies, topic_id_list[0])
# global timer
# global exec_count
# exec_count += 1
# if exec_count == 1:
# # sleep_time = random.randint(300, 540)
# sleep_time = 30
# timer = threading.Timer(sleep_time, fun_timer)
# timer.start()
# if exec_count == 2:
# # sleep_time = random.randint(1000, 1900)
# sleep_time = 50
# timer = threading.Timer(sleep_time, fun_timer)
# timer.start()
# sleep_time = random.randint(300, 540)
# timer = threading.Timer(10, fun_timer) # 首次启动
# timer.start()
# else:
# pass
# except:
# logging.error("catch exception,main:%s" % traceback.format_exc())
def auto_reply(pk_list):
# exec_count = 0
# try:
# pc = pymysql.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=passwd, db=db, port=3306)
# cursor = pc.cursor()
# cursor.execute(
# "SELECT id,user_id FROM topic WHERE id in " + str(
# tuple(pk_list)) + " and user_id in (select user_id from user_extra where is_shadow = 0)")
# data = cursor.fetchall()
# topic_id_list = list(data)
#"Database version : %s " % topic_id_list)
# pc.close()
# exec_count = 0
# if topic_id_list:
# def fun_comment():
# cookies = login()
# if cookies:
# comment_content = get_comments()
# comment = comment_content[0]
# reply(cookies, topic_id_list[0], comment)
# global timer
# global exec_count
# exec_count += 1
# if exec_count == 1:
# sleep_time = random.randint(300, 540)
# sleep_time = 30
# timer = threading.Timer(sleep_time, fun_comment)
# timer.start()
# if exec_count == 2:
# sleep_time = random.randint(1000, 1900)
# sleep_time = 30
# timer = threading.Timer(sleep_time, fun_comment)
# timer.start()
# sleep_time = random.randint(300, 540)
# timer = threading.Timer(10, fun_comment) # 首次启动
# timer.start()
# except:
# logging.error("catch exception,main:%s" % traceback.format_exc())
def auto_majia_effect(pk_list):
from django.test import TestCase
# Create your tests here.
from django.shortcuts import render
# Create your views here.
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class CeleryTaskRouter(object):
"majia-alpha": [
......@@ -10,8 +10,5 @@ For the full list of settings and their values, see
import os
from .log_settings import *
from datetime import timedelta
from celery.schedules import crontab
from .settings_local import *
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