Commit e64b7e74 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

updated docs

parent e61caca3
......@@ -97,14 +97,21 @@ Davis E. King. <a href=""
<item nolink="true">
<name>Core Tools</name>
......@@ -153,11 +160,13 @@ Davis E. King. <a href=""
......@@ -203,6 +212,7 @@ Davis E. King. <a href=""
......@@ -220,6 +230,8 @@ Davis E. King. <a href=""
......@@ -1329,6 +1341,19 @@ Davis E. King. <a href=""
<!-- ************************************************************************* -->
<spec_file link="true">dlib/svm/assignment_function_abstract.h</spec_file>
This object is a tool for solving the optimal assignment problem given a
user defined method for computing the quality of any particular assignment.
<!-- ************************************************************************* -->
......@@ -1562,6 +1587,32 @@ Davis E. King. <a href=""
<!-- ************************************************************************* -->
<spec_file link="true">dlib/svm/svm_abstract.h</spec_file>
This function takes a set of training data for an assignment problem
and reports back if it could possibly be a well formed assignment problem.
<!-- ************************************************************************* -->
<spec_file link="true">dlib/svm/svm_abstract.h</spec_file>
This function takes a set of training data for a forced assignment problem
and reports back if it could possibly be a well formed forced assignment problem.
<!-- ************************************************************************* -->
......@@ -2112,6 +2163,20 @@ Davis E. King. <a href=""
<!-- ************************************************************************* -->
<spec_file link="true">dlib/svm/cross_validate_assignment_trainer_abstract.h</spec_file>
Performs k-fold cross validation on a user supplied assignment trainer object such
as the <a href="#structural_assignment_trainer">structural_assignment_trainer</a>
and returns the fraction of assignments predicted correctly.
<!-- ************************************************************************* -->
......@@ -2128,6 +2193,19 @@ Davis E. King. <a href=""
<!-- ************************************************************************* -->
<spec_file link="true">dlib/svm/cross_validate_assignment_trainer_abstract.h</spec_file>
Tests an <a href="#assignment_function">assignment_function</a> on a set of data
and returns the fraction of assignments predicted correctly.
<!-- ************************************************************************* -->
......@@ -2289,6 +2367,21 @@ Davis E. King. <a href=""
<!-- ************************************************************************* -->
<spec_file link="true">dlib/svm/structural_svm_assignment_problem_abstract.h</spec_file>
This object is a tool for learning the weight vector needed to use
an <a href="#assignment_function">assignment_function</a> object.
It learns the parameter vector by
formulating the problem as a <a href="#structural_svm_problem">structural SVM problem</a>.
<!-- ************************************************************************* -->
......@@ -2335,6 +2428,25 @@ Davis E. King. <a href=""
<!-- ************************************************************************* -->
<spec_file link="true">dlib/svm/structural_assignment_trainer_abstract.h</spec_file>
This object is a tool for learning to solve the assignment problem based
on a set of training data. The training procedure produces an
<a href="#assignment_function">assignment_function</a> object
which can be used to predict the assignments of new data.
Note that this is just a convenience wrapper around the
<a href="#structural_svm_assignment_problem">structural_svm_assignment_problem</a>
to make it look similar to all the other trainers in dlib.
<!-- ************************************************************************* -->
......@@ -44,6 +44,14 @@
<term file="ml.html" name="structural_svm_sequence_labeling_problem"/>
<term file="ml.html" name="structural_sequence_labeling_trainer"/>
<term file="ml.html" name="is_forced_assignment_problem"/>
<term file="ml.html" name="is_assignment_problem"/>
<term file="ml.html" name="assignment_function"/>
<term file="ml.html" name="test_assignment_function"/>
<term file="ml.html" name="cross_validate_assignment_trainer"/>
<term file="ml.html" name="structural_svm_assignment_problem"/>
<term file="ml.html" name="structural_assignment_trainer"/>
<term file="dlib/optimization/optimization_solve_qp2_using_smo_abstract.h.html" name="invalid_nu_error"/>
<term file="dlib/optimization/optimization_solve_qp2_using_smo_abstract.h.html" name="maximum_nu"/>
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